Would you like to become a patron for Nomad Vocals?

Nomad Vocals offers its listeners high-quality and diverse vocal ensemble and choir music. As a community, we are constantly striving to support the development of our singers as professional performers and musicians, as well as to develop and expand the Finnish vocal ensemble music scene.

As a patron you:

  • Support our collective's activities with an annual fee of 80 euros.
  • Get free admission to all of our own concerts and become a part of a singing community that loves music and collaboration.
  • Receive a newsletter that may contain previously unpublished musical material. ;)

To become a patron you can follow these payment instructions:

Recipient: Nomad Vocals ry

Account number: FI42 4600 0011 1192 66

Message: Nomad supporter 2023

Payment amount: 80€ / year

Warmly welcome to be a part of our community!

If you have any inquiries concerning your patron membership, don't hesitate to contact us.